Staying safe whilst using a computer is becoming more important by the day. Whether at home, work, or traveling your computer is vulnerable to being compromised. This article looks at 2 operating systems with a primary focus on privacy & security.Continue readingPrivacy & Security via Tails & Qubes OS
Category: Operating Systems
Today we examine BackBox Linux which is toted to be fast, easy to use, and provides a minimal yet complete desktop environment. It contains the most popular and best known ethical hack tools.Continue readingBackBox Linux
In this article we take a look at Kali Linux from Offensive Security. Kali is a Debian-based Linux Distribution containing several hundred tools geared towards Penetration Testing, Security research, Computer Forensics and Reverse Engineering.Continue readingKali Linux for Pentesting
In this article we take a look at Parrot OS which is the flagship product of Parrot Security. It is a Debian-based operating system and designed with security and privacy in mind.Continue readingParrot OS